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Jared's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Goonellabah

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jared Forum Contributions
Making mulch - For most of the weeds that should work. :) As for farmers friends, they need to be soaked in water in a closed (to avoid mosquito breeding) container in the sun for several months to rot all the seeds, it makes a nice slimey liquid which is a great fer..6338 days 12hrs
Veggie garden - CCA, well my girlfriend used to work at a plywood factory as weekend casual, they were warned when working with the treated ply and had to wear gloves at all times and report any splinters immediately. She said that on occasion a board would graze just ab..6338 days 12hrs
Veggie garden - Railway sleepers, um lets see, side of the road anywhere in NSW where there is a train track(seriously, nsw rail lets them rot on the side of the roads, I have seen many piles of them sitting for years, some are that grown over with vegetation you would t..6338 days 13hrs
Veggie garden - Paul from Alstonville - as for garden beds with red soil, Gbah is similar soil, we condition with horse manure (there is one guy who sells reasonable bags of it on the Ballina Highway between the Regatta estate (he is on the grass verge 100 metres past th..6338 days 13hrs
Black sapote not growing - Unfortunately my sapote didnt live through the winter, we got only ONE frost all winter, which was mild when compared with most of the lismore region that got hit very hard, but it wasnt just the frost, that was just the last straw for the poor plant. ..6338 days 13hrs

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