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Paul3's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Alstonville

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Paul3 Forum Contributions
Veggie garden - Regarding the use of treated pine, I can't see any problem if you line the side with two layers of black heavy duty plastic. Not only would it stop any contemination but also reduce evaporation ..6150 days 14hrs
Veggie garden - Thanks Jarred for that information. I am going to make a raised vegie patch by using coppers logs posts cut legthways in half and then use old 4X2 hardwood timber attached to the coppers log on the inside of the garden so that the soil only comes into con..6339 days 23hrs
Veggie garden - Thanks Tom that seems a good idea, its a great way to re-use old fridges. Paul..6362 days 19hrs
Veggie garden - I am interested in what people are saying about built up gardens. I am about to commence this method of gardening and I would like to know the best ingredients along with the Red soil from Alsonville. I intend making a base of sand with a black plaqstic o..6392 days 21hrs

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