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Adrianna Cooper's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Logan Village

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Adrianna Cooper Forum Contributions
Black sapote not growing - Your tree lis looking great I know where you are coming from, my tree looks very much like your and yes I think it was all the rain we have had and also the mild summer we have had might have helped as well. We still need a lot more rain to carry us into..6180 days 12hrs
Pear not growing - thanks for the tips but I think it has now died. So I might have to replace it, gets a little costly all my other trees are doing great. Adrianna ..6213 days 12hrs
Pear not growing - I planted my tropical pear in Autumn but it hasnt grown actually it hasnt done anything it's sdtill a stick it's not dead just hasn't done anything its still a stick any hints please help..6233 days 3hrs
Coffee - it wouldnt take the photo ill try again..6236 days 4hrs
Coffee - Hi Corey, This is my Coffee tree I think it will need a prune soon but now I need to know how to use the beans to make coffee Adrianna..6236 days 4hrs

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