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Bare root fruit trees last chance for 2022
Bare root fruit trees last chance for 2022Gardening AustraliaJuicy MangoAstringent and non-astringent varieties

Sophie's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: SA

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Sophie Forum Contributions
Orange trees - I was just wondering now that I have planted my orange tree and that it is getting cooler quickly do they need to be protected from frosts? If so what would be the best thing. Thanks for any info!!!..5948 days 11hrs
Orange trees - Thanks Leona, I bought my washington navel today. I saw the dwarf ones but like you said they are very pricey so I decided on the normal one and ill just keep it to the size I want it...5949 days 20hrs
Orange trees - Thankyou, I think I will plant a Washington Navel..5951 days 14hrs
Orange trees - Thanks aNON so what variety would you suggest to buy?..5953 days 20hrs
Orange trees - Hi everyone, I would like your oppinions on which are the best variety of orange that I can plant in my backyard, I live in South Australia. I would like an orange with thick skins, easy peeling and sweet tasting for eating. I would also like an orang..5954 days 1hrs

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