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Andrei's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Sunny Brisbane

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Andrei Forum Contributions
Mango tree not fruiting - Mat, i don't think that's a mango mate - bark is too pink. Worth saving this mango?? Dropped all it's leaves year ago. Now monthly Fertilised with seaweed. Possums continuously eating new shoots. Tried regular bitter sprays. Contemplating pruni..5998 days 23hrs
Mango tree not fruiting - Mat, i dont think thats a mango mate - bark is too pink. Worth saving this mango?? Dropped all its leaves year ago. Fertilised it with seaweed. Possums eating new shoots. Tried bitter sprays. Contemplating pruning it right back. and Putting bird..5998 days 23hrs

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