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Plants that we have too many of and that will soon outgrow their pot size so need to be sold fast
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Baldrick's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: darwin

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Baldrick Forum Contributions
Lime tree2 - The tree is very healthy. A mass of new shoots etc. I pruned it heavily this year and the new shoots are all over the tree. There does not appear to be any fungus/mould on the tree anywhere. The leaves are bright green. Am at a loss. It does get the recom..5512 days 23hrs
Lime tree2 - How can I get my tahitian lime to flower? It had 2 years of flowers and only one lime came from it. Any advice is much appreciated..5515 days 2hrs
Bacon avocardo - My potted shepperd had the potting mix replaced and has now lost all of it's leaves and the external branches had died. However the main trunk is still green. Is it a lost cause or will my tree come back?..5640 days 21hrs
Finger lime6 - My finger lime has started to show signs of die back. it has produced many small fruit, only got a small amount out of the fruit. It is flowering again but the branches are dying. My other tree, same age, refuses to flower or fruit. Maybe I need to threat..5640 days 21hrs
Avocado13 - I have a grafted avocado (can't remember the variety), that is 3 years old and growing really well. However it still has not flowered. Any ideas?..5742 days 21hrs

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