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Jade's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Gold Coast

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Jade Forum Contributions
Veggie garden - Hi Scott Did you leave the garden for a while to let the ingredients break down or plant into it right away? If you did plant into it right away without planting the seedlings in pockets of potting mix or something that is already broken down it wa..5904 days 0hrs
Veggie garden - Hi Carol, I had a look at the Eartheasy website and the garden beds look really good, I especially liked the look of the Recycled one. I've never used or seen them before, so I can't comment on how they are. Do you know if they are for sale in Australia..5910 days 18hrs
Veggie garden - Hi everyone, I just found this forum and it's really great. I have been wanting to put a vegie garden in for years, but the question of what to put around it has been ongoing for me. I have multiple chemical sensitivity, so I can't use treated slee..5941 days 23hrs

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