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James5's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Adelaide

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

James5 Forum Contributions
Curry leaf tree in melbourne - they are only $10 from a Nursery.. Come on, give us a better deal....5925 days 13hrs
Coffee - yes, definately filtered light. as i said, indoors by a window works fine, as long as it doesnt have full sun beaming in on it. I was checking incase i was the one that sold it to u hehehe.....5925 days 15hrs
Coffee - Use a soluable 10-10-10 fertilizer for Arabica Coffee.. I have been growing mine for 7years, they dont like the winter & leaves can drop & new shoots shrivel, they dont like the extreme sun either.. they enjoy climates between 10 - 30 celcius. (Indoors is..5925 days 16hrs
Curry leaf tree in melbourne - Ours is growing well in typically unconditioned clay soils here in Adelaide. has survived the last four 0-15 degree winters here no problems (The Cold is the problem in Adelaide - not the rain! hehehe drought here). keep the plants close to the house or t..5929 days 13hrs
Paw paw - we got SEVEN Mangos from our 5ft mango tree here in Adelaide last season, it was its first year of fruit too... they were only small (Average Lemon size) & stayed green. It is grown in a pot as well!!!..5929 days 16hrs

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