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Barry1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Iluka NSW

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Barry1 Forum Contributions
Veggie garden - Hi Wobbly, the corrugated iron will bend easily because you are bending it along the axis of the corrugations and not across them as used for a normal gal. water tank. As for the open ends to access the compost so that you can get some exercise shovelling..5767 days 19hrs
Veggie garden - Raised garden beds and cheaply. I did this when poverty stricken, a more or less permanent affliction. Old corrugated iron sheets and self drilling screws such as Tek screws are the materials. Tools are tinsnips (or an angle grinder) and a Tek gun. Decid..5863 days 0hrs

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