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Kym's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Brisbane

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Kym Forum Contributions
What tree is this - Yes! that's the leaf exactly! In the pic you posted. As for the imperial versus metric, I guesstimated the size using a piece of 4x2. LOL! Sorry but I find it hard to think lengths in metric...sad to say though in weights I think in metric, no problems...5538 days 14hrs
What tree is this - Also forgot to add, I am in Brisbane Australia. I mean a foot as in 12 inches. No fruit and not deciduous. Very small yellow flowers, barely seen in the foliage...5560 days 10hrs
What tree is this - Sorry, I have been away but I have a tentative i.d. syringifolia barklya. I know camphorlaurels and willows and it isn't one of those. This one is slowgrowing and the roots after 15 years haven't been seen anywhere else. The leaves are relatively..5560 days 10hrs
What tree is this - This tree is about 15+ years old and we built a cage around it when it was a lot smaller to provide shade for some goannas. Its very pretty, doesn't drop a lot of leaves. It has very small yellow flower structures and the new growth in spring in bronze/r..5582 days 21hrs

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