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Ryan's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Perth

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Ryan Forum Contributions
Mango tree not fruiting - Thanks for the good advice Dianna. I will be transfering the Mango Tree to a 70 Litre pot this weekend. Our Local nursery suggested mixing the potting mix with some sheep manure and a small amount of blood and bone. I'm not sure how experienced they a..5719 days 13hrs
Mango tree not fruiting - Hi, I have a 3 year old Mango Tree in a small pot. I want to transfer to a permanent large pot. What type of soil / fertalizer should I fill the pot with to provide the best chance of long term success? Any help would be great so I don't kill the poor..5720 days 18hrs

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