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Belinda4's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Bayswater WA

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Belinda4 Forum Contributions
Asimina tribolaamerican pawpaw temperate custard apple - Hi J have you any idea how i could get some seeds in perth W.A thx Belinda..3317 days 10hrs
Asimina tribolaamerican pawpaw temperate custard apple - julie, so you possibly still have some pawpaw seeds, thx belinda..3317 days 10hrs
I need some rhubarb advice - I have been a bit generous to my seedlings and put them in pots with about 50% sheep poo ( they are hungry feeders from what i understand) and the rest dirt from the garden. I feel lucky as they are at least 3 - 4 times theire size in the last month. I do..5571 days 11hrs
Veggie garden - Great forum, has anybody tried or heard of people using recyled plastic for retaining raised gard beds. Thanks..5764 days 11hrs

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