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Fregarr's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Margate, FL

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Fregarr Forum Contributions
Mango tree disease - I went to Home Depot and they didn't have the Gypsum. They have something that have potash but didn't say Sulphate of Potash and this is a fertilizer that you have to insert in the ground around 36 in apart around the tree or the drip area. My plant is ..4379 days 9hrs
Mango tree disease - My mango tree keeps growing up beautifully, but I haven't been able to stop the leaves tips to turn brown, as a matter of fact, I'm beginning to notice brown spots in some of the leaves. Brendan, where I can get the Gypsum and the Sulphate or Potash tha..4383 days 2hrs
Mango tree disease - Thank you Brendan, I will follow your instructions about mulch and the the use of gypsum and sulphate of potash. I will send you an update in the months to come...4422 days 8hrs
Mango tree disease - Thank you Mike and Amanda for your input. Mike, since you mentioned mulch, I figured that it was not good for the plant health so I removed it from the tree's bed and replaced it with fresh soil. I noticed ants coming out of it roots. I treated it with a..4425 days 16hrs
Mango tree disease - Hi Rana. I water the plant with the city water. How can I measure the amount of salt in it? ..4429 days 18hrs

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