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Rosie 53's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Rosie 53 Forum Contributions
Mame sapote - I had forgotten that I had asked this question. As I am a novice on this forum and not really sure how it works (took me a while to figure out how to get to here) bear with me while I attempt to respond to everyone. ACTUALLY I got the name wrong, yes I ..3015 days 22hrs
Mame sapote - My Mame Sapote doesn't set fruit. It flowers but then doesn't fruit. Any suggestions? Do I need another tree?..3045 days 11hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Rosie 53 has LIKED the following:
Mame sapote - I have the related green sapote. They flowered heavily for several years and only recently set a few fruit. I have two seedlings a little over ten years old. How old is your tree. Is it grafted?...Liked Answer 3015 days 21hrs
Mame sapote - How old/large is your tree? Sometimes trees will be mature, but not have the roots/leaves to carry fruit. Particularly large fruited species or grafted trees. I have a grafted mamey that has flowered for 3 years and drops the fruit young, but it would be ..Liked Answer 3015 days 21hrs
Mame sapote - It seems to be from a genus (Pouteria) that flowers a few times before it sets fruit. Could that be your problem? How old is it? I don't know what pollinates them, but it isn't exactly an attractive flower and others in the genus don't seem to need a..Liked Answer 3015 days 22hrs

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