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PermUp's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Sydney

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

PermUp Forum Contributions
What to grow2 - Hi everyone. We are thinking of moving to Batemans Bay in the next year. Does anyone have any tips on the best things to grow down there? What does really well, what not so good? Anyone's experience welcome. Thanks...3694 days 17hrs
Elder flowers - Hi, I recently bought an Elder tree, and it has grown very rapidly and flowered, which is great. The concern is; the flowers don't have any smell, and I thought they would be very highly perfumed to make cordial with. I am dissapointed and wonder wheth..4119 days 6hrs
Sick paw paw tree - Hi, I planted my Paw Paws last year in Summer and they were very happy, with new growth and vitality. They did ok right through winter, but now we are into spring they're dying. Their leaves are curling and going yellow, then dying. there is new growt..5362 days 13hrs
Tamarillo2 - Hi, My tamarillo tree has born its first crop and was laden with fruit which was steadily getting bigger. There must have been over 100 fruit on it, but now there are only 5 left and I find more dropped off every day. What can I do and why is it happeni..5936 days 8hrs

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