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Deb3's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: NoR Perth

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Deb3 Forum Contributions
Veggie garden - Hi John, The ground is certainly cheaper, but where I am living it is has changed from regular house blocks to 3 or 4 houses on each block. I no longer have the light i used to and need to have things higher up to get the light over the walls and roofs o..5725 days 13hrs
Veggie garden - I have to say that gardeners direct have been very good in my experience. i havent used their tanks yet (but the varying sizes they have will make it easier to fit them into my small courtyard garden), so it wont be long before i extend from 'god's gif..5739 days 5hrs
Veggie garden - Hi Em, I have one but it is only about 2 years old. I got one for the same reason as you - my back! Mine is only 400 and I find that is high enough. I shudder to think how much it would cost to fill it if it was larger. Also I think most of your nutri..5745 days 15hrs
Veggie garden - Hi Tannille It's sad you have never made a garden, they are great fun and you get so much out of them! What exactly is your assignment about; is it about making a garden, maintaining a garden, gardening in your state or something else? Do you have p..5835 days 8hrs
Blueberry - Thanks Shaun! That does help. I think I will have to start with one, but may buy one for a neighbour as a gift so that there is another close by. I think most people were mentioning they are available at Waldecks and also Dawsons so will try them both..5841 days 10hrs

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