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Jo9's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Canberra

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jo9 Forum Contributions
Exotic vines - Hi Tran, Don't give up- the CSIRO have published some information on it, so it may only be a matter of time before a Telosma pops up somewhere!..5723 days 17hrs
Veggie garden - Hi HP. Thanks for the info. We saw some used on TV, and wondered where we could find some- they look really good. Thanks also to Leah for the info on corrosion. I had thought about using sleepers, but even they will eventually rot down. I guess it depends..5723 days 17hrs
I have a cherry tree - If deciduous fruit trees don't get enough hours of cold, they won't fruit properly. These trees usually come from areas in the world that have cold, frosty winters...5728 days 20hrs
I have a cherry tree - Hi George! I've had a look at San Francisco's climate, and I think that it will be too warm for the 'Stella', or indeed any stone fruit. Most need a certain amount of 'chill hours', which is a certain number of hours of cold (between freezing and 4..5728 days 20hrs
Veggie garden - HP- I thought that I could work on the soil in my garden until I was happy with it, but Canberra's clays are able to daunt the hardiest gardener! We've moved into a house that's had wood chips through the garden for 30 years, and until we had some rai..5728 days 20hrs

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