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Toby's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Perth

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Toby Forum Contributions
Replanting a dead tree - We've got two pears (named varieties) that the kids knocked over and snapped playing footy. We dug them up and replaced them. My wife put them in a vase inside and now they're both sprouting leaves and flowers. Is it worth trying to replant them? Will t..5568 days 2hrs
Veggie garden - Get some poultry and your slugs will disappear...5626 days 8hrs
Passionfruit - Yeah, they've been "seeking propogation material" for panama berries for a long time now. I haven't seen them available, maybe I've just timed it badly...5641 days 22hrs
Passionfruit - Where did you guys get your panama berries from? I've been looking for about a year or more and can't find them anywhere...5642 days 5hrs
Edible shade tree - We've got lemons, probably got some other citrus too. We've got a very productive olive, more than enough of those. We've got a couple of avocado and macadamias, maybe some other small nuts too. One mango that's not too happy. I thought pomegranate..5653 days 22hrs

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