Unicorn7's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: Location: Castlemaine * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Unicorn7 Forum Contributions
Pouteria lucuma - Hi Tropicdude
thanks so much for putting up this video. I ended up finding a shot of a round lucuma fruit on fotolio, however i will eventually need to get my hands on one for a studio photograph. So if you have any success in growing these in the fut.. 5436 days 19hrs
Pouteria lucuma - Great site. we have developed a product that includes lucuma powder. i am really keen to photograph a lucuma fruit for a brochure we are preparing. Any idea how I can get my hands on a specimen?
I have noticed that there are several varieties but i a.. 5445 days 21hrs
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