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Gus1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Bendigo

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Gus1 Forum Contributions
Dwarf bananas - Hi Try these Bananas. They are dwarf and cool climate friendly. http://humphris.com.au/html/coolbanana/coolbananasoverview.html there's even a red one..5191 days 15hrs
Pinkabelle apple tree - I'd suggest removing all the apples now. Your tree is only young, it's best you remove the fruit so the tree still concenttrates it's engery into building the root system. ..5191 days 15hrs
New home orchard - Oh, and you can get free straw and some manure from the show grounds. Also free manure from some of the horse trainers. the local nurseries are useful. ..5344 days 13hrs
New home orchard - I live in Bendigo, 4 years now. My backyard has some fantastics citrus trees, almond trees, apricot. Stone fruit such as apricot are more difficult to manage. The citrus are easy to grow. I also have some Plums, but they have boarers at th..5344 days 13hrs
Self wicking pots for trees - Hi everyone. I have been seen "Self wicking" garden beds in the media a bit recently on Costa's Odessy and on you tube. Eveything I seen only refers to using them with vegetable. I like the idea in regards to vegetables. I'd like to use win ..5413 days 7hrs

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