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Psycloud1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Texas

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Psycloud1 Forum Contributions
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - It has tiny soft hairs on the top few leafs, I suppose that is so it can climb later...5415 days 15hrs
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - Well, to keep everyone updated on the sprouts, about a month ago I planted my cold stratified seeds that I had in the fridge for 2 months. I now have about 30 little vines that have started growing, and still more keep popping up out of the soil. So aft..5415 days 15hrs
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - I am not sure, I have only tried the fruit once in my life, and have never seen them again, which is why I ordered seeds online, and I have searched and searched the web for information on how to grow them from "seeds" and have found hardly anything abo..5473 days 14hrs
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - Well, it was a surprise for me today, I had another sprout come up, but this time it was in the pot which has the seeds that I boiled for 3 seconds, and those were only planted about 4 weeks ago, which is much better than the 4 months, but to know for sur..5477 days 13hrs
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - Well, I got my first sprout today from the Hardy kiwi seeds I planted, and it took about 4 months to sprout, it was in the in my test pot of hardy kiwi seeds which I planted about 4 months ago, without cold stratification, but with the whole fruit, as in,..5478 days 17hrs

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