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Kiwiberry - Hardy kiwifruit

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John starts with ...
I recently purchased some kiwiberries from a supermarket and dried out the seed. Then I put them on paper towelling in a plastic bag in my shed. I have germinated a lot of things this way yet despite several attempts none of the seeds seem to be germinating.

Can anyone suggest how I can get them going - the supplier is from New Zealand - they tasted great. If anyone has them in WA I would be interested in buying seeds or a plant.

John Albany WA
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Albany Western Australia
19th April 2008 8:45pm
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Anonymous says...
I assume you are talking about the green kiwi fruit? If so you can buy plants in the nurseries here. They strike from cuttings very easily. You need two plants to get fruit - a male and female. They make great shade in summer but make sure you have a very strong frame. I liked to call my the triffids.

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27th April 2008 8:02pm
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John says...
The fruit I'm talking about is small - shaped like a fig - flesh like green kiwifruit - taste like a cross between kiwifruit and a hint of Fejoa.
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Albany Western Australia
3rd May 2008 10:27pm
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Rob says...
Kiwifruit, Kiwiberry are all Chinese Goosberry and varieties grafted to root stock. The N.Z. fruit you buy are Hayward variety developed in the 1920s (Te Puke) I think and grafted to Bruno root stock.
Success in growing is very dependant on climatic conditions, plenty of sun & water & cold winters (frosts). You would need to get some cuttings & graft I would suggest. You can buy grafed plants from the odd garden centre, but suggest you enquire & then try & find the origins of your fruit & graft. I think somebody is growing commercial quatities of fruit down your way, maybe Denmark?
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26th May 2008 10:38am
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David says...

The kiwiberry you have is a different species to the usual kiwifruit. It's Actinidia arguta, smaller greener and non fuzzy compared to usual kiwi. I believe Diggers have a self pollinating variety called "Issai".
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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Shepparton Vic
9th June 2008 11:16pm
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People who Like this Answer: KerryCrompton
Manda says...
Diggers do not appear to sell the Issai variety of kiwiberry at the moment... I was keen to get this plant for my garden. Does anyone know of anywhere else where this plant might be sold... or if it grows by cutting... does anyone have a cutting i could buy
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Perth Wa
6th September 2009 11:59am
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peter says...
daleys have then in production,
you can put your name down to get an
email when they are ready.
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6th September 2009 5:35pm
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amanda says...
Kiwiberries are delicious - not as full-on as normal ones - great kids lunch box food too! Is frost a requirement? or would I need "low-chill"? (lowest temp here over winter 2 degrees C - and rare, mostly 5-7)
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Geraldton. WA
6th September 2009 6:57pm
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Manda says...
Thanks for that info Peter!
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7th September 2009 8:35pm
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Psycloud says...
I have also been trying to grow seeds from this kiwi berry. They don't sell them in the stores here, and they are not sold in nurseries or plant shops in the area. I have eaten them before and I loved the taste, and best of all, I loved that you could eat them whole. I am trying some different methods to see if I can get them going. If anyone else has had luck growing them from a seed, I would love to know what they did.

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14th January 2010 2:29pm
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Psycloud says...
Just the other day I tried boiling them for 3 seconds, and I have planted them, we will see what happens.

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14th January 2010 2:31pm
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peter says...
Hi All,
We are one of the well known contactors . Please feel free to give me call for any kind of job.

Peter- 02102432211
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Te Puke
22nd January 2010 2:33pm
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Rachel says...
Hi All,
I've been looking around for the A. arguta as well, so I was glad to read your post, Peter, that Daley's have 'em.
Ken - I've read that they need to be cold stratified, which makes sense if they're from NZ. I'd be interested to hear how your boiled seeds went. (They're so little, too, that would've been a fiddly process!)So, I've fridged mine, we'll see what happens... Much easier to get cuttings I reckon.
I emailed a NZ producer, all I got was a curt "no, we don't import plants". Bah!
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23rd January 2010 2:08pm
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Jim says...
Rachel appears to be on the money. I purchased some seed of ebay recently and on the description of the product it mentions the need for cold stratification:

"Better germination rates if the seed is given 3 months stratification. Seed germinates in 2 - 3 months at 10
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24th January 2010 2:31pm
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peter says...
hi jim,
ive got some black raspberry seeds
stratifying in a fridge for a few months now.
if you only have one fridge you should still be able to set it to say 6 degrees
and put them in there.
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24th January 2010 5:38pm
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Violet_Cactus says...
Of all the seed stratification sites out there on the web, this is by far the best I've seen.

PS If you want to use fungicides when stratifying, there is one fungicide NEVER to use. It's called Fongarid. My advice is to AVOID it at all costs.

The best one to use is called CITROFRESH.
No I don't have any shares in the company, or any affiliation with them!:) But I use two of their products and they work so well for me -like magic - that I thought I'd share.
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24th January 2010 9:07pm
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Original Post was last edited: 24th January 2010 9:18pm
Psycloud says...
Well, I have now placed some of my hardy kiwi seeds in the fridge, I'll leave them in there a few months and we will try that as well. Its a good thing I did not put all the seeds in the plane potting mix, nor the tea strainer in the boiling water for 3 seconds and then in another pot. So now I have 2 bags of seeds in the fridge.

After I have them in the fridge for 2 or 3 months, then do I plant them? And when I plant them, should the soil be cold? or should it be warm? Or should they be planted in a pot inside the fridge? :) I have never heard of cold stratification, so any advice would help.

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25th January 2010 9:07am
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Psycloud says...
Well, I got my first sprout today from the Hardy kiwi seeds I planted, and it took about 4 months to sprout, it was in the in my test pot of hardy kiwi seeds which I planted about 4 months ago, without cold stratification, but with the whole fruit, as in, I actually planted the 3 whole hardy kiwis in the ground.

I have still not seen anything come up from the pot of just normally planted seeds.

The pot, in which I boiled the seeds 3 seconds has not done anything either, but I only planted those in january.

I also put some seeds in the fridge for 2 weeks and planted those about 2 weeks ago, and so far nothing yet.

I have more in the fridge, which are being stratified longer, both wet and dry.

So far, the only data I have gathered is that planting 3 whole kiwis (not cold stratified nor refrigerated fruit either) has yielded 1 sprout after 4 months.

I hope to learn more about the sprouting habits of this fruit as I try to sprout more of them in different ways.

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12th February 2010 8:48am
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Psycloud says...
Well, it was a surprise for me today, I had another sprout come up, but this time it was in the pot which has the seeds that I boiled for 3 seconds, and those were only planted about 4 weeks ago, which is much better than the 4 months, but to know for sure which is better, I'll have to wait until more sprouts come up.

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13th February 2010 12:06pm
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amanda says...
Hi Psycloud - sounds like a challenge u have there!? well done. Will these seedlings produce fruit true to type do u know? I really like kiwiberries too.
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Geraldton. WA
15th February 2010 10:41am
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Psycloud says...
I am not sure, I have only tried the fruit once in my life, and have never seen them again, which is why I ordered seeds online, and I have searched and searched the web for information on how to grow them from "seeds" and have found hardly anything about them, which I why I am running my own experiments with them, because so little seems to be known, or at least written about them online. I suppose it would take me some years to find out, but with the amount I've planted, hopefully I will gain some insight about them. Everything I read online about propagating them seems to be geared towards cuttings, probably because it is so much easier to start a cutting then start from a seed. Perhaps this is one reason it has not become a commercialized fruit, at least I have only seen it once in my life, and I wanted to taste them again since then.

So, No, I do not know if they will be true to the kind I once tasted.

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17th February 2010 11:48am
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Psycloud says...
Well, to keep everyone updated on the sprouts, about a month ago I planted my cold stratified seeds that I had in the fridge for 2 months. I now have about 30 little vines that have started growing, and still more keep popping up out of the soil. So after all the different things I tried, cold stratification worked the best, the ones I left in the fridge for just 4 weeks also gave me about 6 or 7 vines. From the boiled batch, I had only 2 come up, and only one has survive, and its probably the biggest one I have, but boiling is definitely not the way to go with this fruit.

The one that is pictured is the one that was boiled for 3 seconds, its about 4cm tall.

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16th April 2010 9:13am
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Psycloud says...
It has tiny soft hairs on the top few leafs, I suppose that is so it can climb later.
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16th April 2010 9:20am
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mary says...
Hi all diggers has just released their may catalogue which has both a green and a red kiwi berry. The red will need pollinator.
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6th May 2010 1:34pm
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Jantina says...
Thanks for the reminder mary, I've sent off my order.
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8th May 2010 10:09am
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J i l l\&#039;s Funny Farm says...
I tried Kiwiberry for the first time and I loved it, kept most of the fruit in the refrigerator, then planted a few seeds. I guess I got lucky because I didn't dry out the seed, just added them straight from the fruit to the soil on a whim and MANY SPROUTED! Plants are about three inches tall now growing in clusters. I guess I need to thin them out. Any idea if the plants should be moved from part sun to full sun?
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J i l ls Funny Farm1
7th June 2010 3:47pm
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louise says...
I live in kalamunda and mine is kiwi berry has been growing hear nicely for 3 year no fruit though because the ordinary kiwi male keeps dieing Ahhhhh!
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25th October 2010 1:33am
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sui tin says...
KIWIBERRY ISSAI can be purchased, on line, from Diggers Club. The plant is
potted and delivered.
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sui tin
7th July 2011 5:52pm
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katz says...
Kiwiberry issai are cold temperature fruit that need a cold snap to start there seeds, a time period within a colder temperature, like storing them in the frige. It normaly takes a month for the seed to pop up. (though it is best to get cutting or seedly instead of seeds). The berry is a grape like vine (climbing) that lives for many years, and self-pollianting. They thrive in cold temperatures, handing forst well. Their stems and leaves can be spit if the tempeture changes raperly, becoming week. This can also kill the plant. Protect it from hot days, for they can be bunt by the sun in the hotter climits. They are heavy produce (lot of fruit) so it not unusual to have up to 1000 or so fruit.
this website has some good info about the berry. I hope this helps.

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18th October 2011 12:06am
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Bry91 says...
Hi, my local bunnings plant department sell kiwi berry plants, a self pollinating variety so you don't need a male and a female, the type bunnings sell are similar to the variety diggers sell
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30th August 2013 4:31pm
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robbiebyford says...
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15th December 2013 5:44pm
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Leanne says...
I just bought 2 kiwiberry plants (self fertile) at Bunnings - they've been in the ground a week and growing already - I have alternated them with passionfruit along a fence. All new to me so far.
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Safety Bay
20th January 2014 12:05am
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silversprite says...
I bought punnets of kiwiberries from Coles last week. Thought of planting some seed when I came across this forum.
I see this thread was started in 2010, can anyone give me an update on how you went with the seedlings?
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9th March 2014 1:26pm
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Jason says...
Hassa! I was going to post the exact same thing silersprite. I got two different varieties/species from safeway yesterday. I ate half of each for a test and the rest are going to seeds. I'm assuming they need quite a while in the fridge before planting. Its a plant I've been meaning to have for a very long time and never got around to it before
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9th March 2014 5:10pm
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Jantina says...
Jason I have two sorts of kiwiberry growing very enthusiastically, you are welcome to any number of cuttings :)
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Mt Gambier
9th March 2014 10:26pm
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Jason says...
Jantina are they old enough that you know which ones are male and female?. I didnt know you had those. What else have you added to your garden :)?
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12th March 2014 12:16pm
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Jantina says...
They are self pollinating Jason. Hmmmn what else? did I have the gold kiwi vines here last time you came ? I think you will have to come and check what's new haha (bringing Annie and your son with you). :)
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Mt Gambier
12th March 2014 11:11pm
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Mick bolt says...
I have just purchased my first plant and had to order it from Queensland I don't know if its self pollinating tho,does anyone know where to buy them in perth or anyone have a plant I could get a cutting off any help would be much appreciated
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1st June 2014 12:31pm
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Michael says...
I have just purchased my first plant and had to order it from Queensland I don't know if its self pollinating tho,does anyone know where to buy them in perth or anyone have a plant I could get a cutting off any help would be much appreciated
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1st June 2014 12:37pm
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Delldgm says...
Ok silly question warning.
I was just looking at purchasing a hardy kiwi female from daleys and the info line says pot 165mm, ok here is the silly question, can I grow it in the ground and the pot number is just pot size suggestion or do I have to grow it in a pot. I was hoping to grow it over a fence as part of a polyculture garden.
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South Australia
9th June 2014 7:51pm
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MaryT says...
Delldgm the pot size quoted is what the plant comes in.
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9th June 2014 8:09pm
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allybanana says...
I am needing to plant a male kiwi fruit to pollinate a sweetie kiwi fruit from Daleys, could i get away with a self pollinating kiwi berry from miter 10?
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12th July 2014 8:05am
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Tommoz says...
No. Kiwiberry Issai produces fruit parthogenically and even then you should really get a male pollinator to maximise yield. Good news is a low chill male should pollinate both of these.

Wait for the sweetie male to be ready (Daleys says it is in production) or buy a low chill male elsewhere. I bought one recently from Forbidden fruits, and it is from either Bruno or Dexter stock.
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12th July 2014 3:06pm
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Lucy J says...
Hi Jacinta

Where did you get your gold kiwi vine?

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Lucy J
20th January 2015 12:05am
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vickii says...
hi i have discovered i have a ACTINIDIA ARGUTA growing in a property i have purchased i don't know if it is male or female can anyone tell me how i can find out.
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26th January 2015 6:20pm
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Tommoz says...
In Spring, look at what kind of flowers it produces.
You could also contact the previous owner as they might know.
It is probably Issai, which is a partially self-fertile female plant.
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27th January 2015 10:36am
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MMJO says...
Hello John, just bought a female Kiwifruit off the remainders rack at Bunnings (never buy other stuff there but remainders rack has some good specials, $5 for this one) forgot to look at the date of yr post but mine is June 2015. Now I need a male one. Friend of mine has good crop in shady area.
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16th June 2015 7:05pm
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MMJO says...
Hello John, just bought a female Kiwifruit off the remainders rack at Bunnings (never buy other stuff there but remainders rack has some good specials, $5 for this one) forgot to look at the date of yr post but mine is June 2015. Now I need a male one. Friend of mine has good crop in shady area.
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16th June 2015 7:05pm
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MMJO says...
Hello John, just bought a female Kiwifruit off the remainders rack at Bunnings (never buy other stuff there but remainders rack has some good specials, $5 for this one) forgot to look at the date of yr post but mine is June 2015. Now I need a male one. Friend of mine has good crop in shady area.
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16th June 2015 7:05pm
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Linton says...
What is the best pollinator for Kiwiberry - A. arguta?

I currently have a red kiwiberry and a male "Sweetie" Kiwi Fruit. Please let me know will the male Sweetie be suitable as a pollinator? Or would it be better to get the non-fruiting Male Kiwi Fruit that Daleys have as a pollinator?

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Springvale, Vic
28th August 2015 4:54pm
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MrsPicklepop says...
Hi, I have just purchased the Issai Kiwiberry from my local Bunnings store in SA. Might be worth having a look in your area, or asking them if they get them in?
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Para Hills
15th September 2015 1:29pm
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Linton says...
Dear Missus Picklepop

thanks for the suggestion but I already have an Issai Kiwiberry which is supposedly self fertile.

But I need a male pollinator for my Ken's Red Kiwiberry which is the only true red kiwiberry in existance, much better than the Mount Tomah variety which is not really a red. Perhaps the Issai might even pollinate it.

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Springvale, Vic
15th September 2015 3:24pm
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Markmelb says...
Linton - I have a male kiwi if that will be flowering soon - also have an issai and a Mt Toma red - The Issai is about to flower - cant see any flowers yet on Mt Tomah - If you see flowers on your Kens Red let me know before the Male Kiwi finishes.
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15th September 2015 4:38pm
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Original Post was last edited: 15th September 2015 4:38pm
Gabby says...
Hi Linton,

Where did you get your Ken's red, or are you willing to share cuttings?

I am on the western side of Melbourne, but happy to come for a drive if you are willing to share.

Thanks Gabby

P.S. Also happy to share cuttings/divisions of my plants, anything you want to swap for?
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27th March 2016 11:43pm
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Original Post was last edited: 27th March 2016 11:59pm
Linton says...
Hi Gabby Salts

thanks for your interest in Kens Red, probably the best Kiwi Berry of them all. Unfortunately I don't think it is readily available anywhere in Australia except for one anonymous grower somewhere in country Victoria which was the source of my 1 tiny cutting.

I was instructed that I was welcome to share cuttings around once it started growing. However, the Ken's is still too small for taking cuttings and he has only really started growing this year. Last winter I thought he was dead as he died back right to the soil. But now he is starting to look a lot healthier and stronger.

Once he get's some more growth going, probably later this year when the warmer weather is back, I will be happy to provide a couple of cuttings to you. So please send me a reminder at the time. Don't forget, Ok?
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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Springvale, Vic
29th March 2016 7:55pm
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Gabby says...
Thanks Linton, isn't it a cute little guy. I will contact you in late November then, see if I can't get you to give me a birthday present :) Then I can share cuttings the year after if all goes well.
Cheers Gabby
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30th March 2016 9:39am
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Tommoz says...
I found that when I gave my Issai a cane to climb up, it grew much faster. Branches hanging down pendulously stunts growth of hardy kiwifruit as they naturally are a forest vine that want to climb up to the canopy.
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6th April 2016 11:38am
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Linton says...
Hi Tommoz

thanks for the advice. I will definitely give it a frame to climb on as at the moment it is trailing on the ground. Hope to see some greatly improved growth next season. Cheers!
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Springvale, Vic
19th April 2016 11:19am
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Joel15 says...
Linton, I've been looking for Kens Red for awhile, would love a cutting or two if you have any extra to spare later in the season!
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13th September 2016 1:14pm
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Linton says...
Hello Joel, Greetings from Sunny Melbourne!

Yes, I anticipate taking some cuttings of the Kens Red this Summer. Right now it is just having a flush of new Spring leaves so it's looking good.

It's also time to do some Bayberry cuttings - will let you know how they go.

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15th September 2016 10:48am
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Original Post was last edited: 15th September 2016 4:30pm
allybanana says...
Me to Linton I would love a couple of buds to graftnext winter. Thanks In advance
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15th September 2016 5:53pm
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Joel15 says...
Cheers Linton, love your work!
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17th September 2016 8:40am
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Mav23 says...
Hi all,

I know this is a very old thread in terms of years, but I wanted to let you all know I have roughly 30,000 kiwiberry seeds that I would like to germinate.

The seeds are currently in my refrigerator at 1-2 C, and they have been there since 10.10.16. So we can say roughly 1 month they are cold-stratifying. I have put the seeds in bags of vermiculite (3 parts vermiculite to 1 part seed) and put a bit of water for it to be moist, so they can simulate the autumn/winter, just like in their native forests of Japan/China/Russia.

I got the urge to try and germinate a few on a paper towel that was soaked in plain water, but after a week there was still no sign of germination, even though I noticed the seeds were plumpier. Then I tried a seperate expiriment with 10 seeds in 1 cup of water diluted with 5 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide, and another 10 seeds with 10 mL hydrogen peroxide (again diluted in water). I folded a few paper towels and soaked them in their respective 5 mL and 10 mL hydrogen peroxide solutions, and placed them in seperate ziplock bags. So far some 3 days have passed but I don't see any sign of germination yet.

I know psycloud had written in this forum back in 2010 regarding all of this, but I was wondering if these seeds could germinate without having to wait 4 months or so for it to be cold-stratified. I have a lot of seeds because after all of this I don't know which ones will survive, and also which ones will be female, until they all flower. I know it's a long-term thing, but any help on this topic would be highly appreciated.

I'll definitely keep everyone posted on my results...but I would most like to hear from psycloud, since he was in my shoes 6 years ago and went through all of this. Psycloud...if you get this post please also keep us updated on what happened after your 4-month stratification and germination of plants. They woukd have given fruit by now...
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14th November 2016 6:29am
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Mav23 says...
Hi guys,
Just wanted to update all that roughly 1/3th of my kiwiberry (actinidia arguta, hardy kiwi) seeds have sprouted. I started the process on Nov. 5th, 2016 and saw that they have sprouted on Nov. 19th, 2016. So we can safely say it took 2 weeks for them to sprout.

Some background regarding stratification: I put all of these seeds in vermiculite and popped them in the fridge on Oct. 10th. I gently dampened the vermiculite, but very gently and very little. The fridge temp was 1 C. So the seeds were stratified for almost a month before I took a sample out to try.

The paper towel that I had soaked in 5 or 10 mL hydrogen peroxide has only given me a few sprouts. The best method for me was soaking then dampening the paper towel in water and placing the seeds on there. I folded the paper towel and placed it in a small plastic cup. I placed that plastic cup in a larger plastic tupperware box filled with water. I closed the plastic tupperware box with plastic wrap and poked some holes on top so it didn't get too stuffy in there for air flow. So this kept the humidity level constant and I guess that was the best method for me.

Now time to do the same method for all other seeds. Will keep you all posted as i go.
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20th November 2016 2:00am
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Dan29 says...
Hi all,
Ive got a few questions about kiwiberries
I recently bought a mt tomah red just want to know roughly how long until the first fruiting season people have experienced.
I am also looking for a male Kiwiberry does anyone have a known male that i could possibly take some cuttings for propagation, in the melbourne area.
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narre warren
19th February 2017 9:32am
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Linton says...
I have two types of Kiwiberries about 2 years old but neither have flowered or fruited yet. I believe that pollination can be difficult as the male plants don't always flower at the same time so I'm still looking for the best male pollinator for them. Currently have a male Sweetie variety if you want cuttings but at this stage I'm not sure if it will be a suitable pollinator until they all start flowering.
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20th February 2017 10:11am
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Joel15 says...
Hey Linton, did you ever do any Kens red cuttings?
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21st February 2017 4:07pm
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Linton says...
Yes I tried to do some but the cuttings didn't grow and just died. It's very strange because the plant I'm growing was taken from a cutting but it did take a year before it started to make any new growth and only now has taken off.

So it should be possible to grow them from cuttings. Maybe the timing was wrong because I've noticed that some plants won't grow from cuttings one month and when I try them the next month they grow easily. Or do you think I should hang them in a glass of water until the roots start to form? Please let me know the best way how to make the cuttings grow roots and I will try again.
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22nd February 2017 8:33pm
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Gabby says...
Hi Linton, wonder if sulphate of potash will promote flowing, worth a try before next spring/summer. Was just looking to find info on what time of year they flowered and found this which is very informative, it mentions the pruning regime for fruit production. http://www.rarefruitclub.org.au/Level2/Kiwiberry.htm
I think with the cuttings my propagation book suggested late spring from tip cuttings. I did mean to come and beg you for some in November, but was crazy busy. I wonder if you have any new tip growth at the moment, could be worth a try, I find keeping tip cuttings humid makes the most difference to success. If you try soil cuttings again make a little green house (my cutting greenhouse is a milk crate with a few bamboo poles surrounded by the plastic table cloth from burnings that they sell by the meter in the carpet department.) Perhaps the water trick isn't such a bad idea, the thing to look out for if trying to root in water is rot, make sure no leaves are below the water line and change the water every day to get rid of any mouldy growth.
Let me know if you have some potential cutting stock you would be happy to donate (when you follow the pruning instructions from the link above) and I will come and pick it up.
Cheers Gabby
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West Footscray
23rd February 2017 10:48am
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Joel15 says...
Apparently they do best from dormant winter cuttings. Softwood cuttings would need a clear bag placed over them to keep the humidity up. As it turns out I know the guy who originally imported that variety into Australia so I can get one from him. I'd probably just wait until winter to do your cuttings, it's been a funny old season anyway, at least over here!
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23rd February 2017 4:06pm
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Dan29 says...
Thanks guys I found a nursery east of melbourne that stock male and female kiwiberries. So i purchase one of each and have planted them today.
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narre warren
27th February 2017 8:10pm
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Pegasus says...
Kiwiberry is available at Bunnings as part of the Incredible Edible range.
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13th May 2017 8:05pm
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Pegasus says...
Most kiwiberry available in Australia is Issai the Japanese variety which is only self fertile vine not requiring male and female.
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13th May 2017 8:10pm
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Pegasus says...
Avail at Bunnings in the Incredible Edible range
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13th May 2017 8:10pm
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allybanana says...
Hi Linton one of five bud grafts I did with ken's red has sprouted, three went rotten and another is alive but stubbon. The second pic is the Asimina graft from your ' Lois' wood Thanks Again
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27th September 2017 12:12pm
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Markmelb says...
My Mt Tomah (Female) has started to flower today - male Hayward is still a week or so off but will connect im sure with last half of the females im sure as lots still forming.
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19th October 2017 9:50am
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Markmelb says...
26/10/2017 Noticed Mt Tomah kiwiberry fully open and receptive a week out from first opening but still no males starting to at least open but Hayward male still even with the Hayward Female (just to create a Timeline now for future comparisons?)
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26th October 2017 10:29am
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Original Post was last edited: 26th October 2017 10:29am
allybanana says...
Sounds great Mark how about a nice pretty graph. Maybe line graph with y axis: number of flowers and x axis: date, each kiwi variety a different colored line on same graph. My Sweetie and Waynes have finished flowering and still not a male flower in site on any of my flowering males including sweetie male.
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30th October 2017 10:26pm
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Markmelb says...
31 Oct 2017 As an update my isaai has just started flowering and more Mt Tomah have opened. Underneath last week - now flowers on top opening but lots still unopened too still growing.

Hayward Female is a day or two ahead of Male Hayward male flowering but some warm weather if it happens could do it and bring the insects to do their job as weve had some good rain but temps down to 8c. I hope in next post I can say males have opened

The Male Arguta has now grown about 20cm but got knocked a bit by Sundays strong winds.
Not sure about a graph but if you can do something from these dates feel free??
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31st October 2017 9:10am
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Original Post was last edited: 31st October 2017 9:10am
Markmelb says...
Finally Male flowers are open and shedding pollen and I am hoping for fruit set with Mt Tomah reds and more issai. The Female Haywards are yet to open but have collected pollen and from what i have read they collect pollen commercially for export - dry stamens at 30c for 20hrs and can freeze for storage.

Pics of Male Hayward flowers-- Issai with one showing a pollinated ovary growing -- Mt Tomah red.
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9th November 2017 9:03am
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Original Post was last edited: 9th November 2017 9:04am
allybanana says...
I m pleased you got some overlap thanks for updating. It must be heartening to have some potential for fruit. I will be interested to see how the Mt Tomah reds turn out. My female Haywood just started flowering and male flowers are still half sized buds. Issa has nearly finished flowering, Sweetie is finished as is Waynes no males of any type have flowered. I had a bit of overlap last year between Issa and Male sweetie and one late flower on Waynes got pollinated. Bumper crop on Haywood buckets full. The pollinated Issa appeared to stay on vine much longer than un-pollinated fruit and got very sweet.
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12th November 2017 8:57pm
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Markmelb says...
Thanks Ally - I planted a Flemings Male/Female in one pot to start off the Kiwis --- what i thought was the Female as it hadnt flowered yet now turns out to be another male %#%&@%$ - so annoyed :( as was expecting normal kiwis too first time - so will use some of those branches for my Golds experiment? I also have a Bruno & Hayward female that didnt flower this year yet but they will next summer :)
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13th November 2017 7:52am
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Markmelb says...
Update - I have Mt Tomahs Red finally - see pic - im sure theres over 100 or more so looking forward to tasting these delights - keep you posted
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21st November 2017 6:56pm
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Original Post was last edited: 21st November 2017 6:58pm
Gabby says...
Been following this with interest, would love to hear your thoughts on the fruit. I am putting in the footings for my pergola on Saturday and want to decide what kiwis I plant. How big are your plants, need to get an idea of how many I can fit 😁
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West Footscray
22nd November 2017 8:16am
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Julie 1 says...
Hi everyone. I have also been following this. I bought 3 kiwiberry plants yesterday from bunnings. Doesnt tell me how much room they need. Any ideas?
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Julie 1
18th December 2017 8:48am
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Linton says...
Please tell me what are the white markings on the leaves of all the hardy kiwis. I mean it has happened to all of my kiwi plants, not just one but all of them are affected like this. Instead of being an even green colour all of the leaves are mottled with a white pattern. It has not happened with any other species in my garden, only the kiwis. I have tried a number of sprays and they are in different types of soils with no improvement. There are a lot of tiny black gnats swarming over them. Maybe they are attacking the surface of the leaves and causing this problem. Thank you.
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1st January 2018 8:34pm
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Gabby says...
Looks like whitefly damage to me. Odd that it's not on other plants also, my parsley looks like this at the moment. If you don't have whitefly this year then I will be very surprised, it has been epidemic in the western suburbs.

Cheers, Gabby
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West Footscray
2nd January 2018 8:27am
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Linton says...
Thanks Gabby, I'm fairly sure that's what it is. So what is the best thing to stop the whiteflies attacking the leaves? In the mean time I keep spraying them with insecticides every day and it seems to be helping. Cheers!
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3rd January 2018 8:08pm
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allybanana says...
looks like a leaf miner but hard to say for sure is the leaf surface intact.
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9th January 2018 10:58pm
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Linton says...
So I got a spray bottle of pest oil and sprayed all the kiwi plants about 5 days ago. It says on the label to use it for aphids, leaf miner and white flies.

The thing is now one of the plants has died and the others are not looking good as all their leaves look like they were burned and are dead. Is this normal when using sprays on kiwis?

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16th January 2018 8:20pm
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Original Post was last edited: 16th January 2018 8:20pm
Julie says...
Linton, pest oil can only be used safely in cool weather. It will burn the leaves if sprayed in summer. Sounds like that's what happened.
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Roleystone WA
17th January 2018 7:31pm
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Linton says...
Well it has been a bit warm lately so the leaves must have got fried like they were in cooking oil. However the problem remains that the pests are mainly around in Summer so the spraying needs to be done when its hot when they are doing all the damage.

Now I've noticed that the tropical blueberries that are growing under the Kiwi vines have also been burned by the overspray. In the mean time the masses of insects are still swarming around.
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18th January 2018 4:01pm
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Julie says...
Why not try pyrethrum spray, which is pretty safe. It is recommended for white flies.
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Roleystone WA
19th January 2018 9:24pm
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Linton says...
Thanks for the advice Julie. I will try it once they recover and some new leaves grow back. Cheers!
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21st January 2018 7:45pm
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Mick O says...
Hi Psycloud, I have found the kiwi berries in woolworths and they are going for $3.50 a punnet
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Mick O
Burpengary East Qld
11th April 2018 11:00am
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gerchi says...
das anybody have same kiwi berry plant for sale?
small one will be ok, i live in easter sub in Perth
I will come and collect ,pay top price Cash
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30th August 2018 7:00pm
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