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Gabby Salts's Edible Backyard

Joined: 30/07/14 Updated: 30/10/23 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Gabby Salts Forum Contributions
Strawberries cambridge rival - Diggers have them back in stock, just got a notification from their web service. ..2135 days 5hrs
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - Looks like whitefly damage to me. Odd that it's not on other plants also, my parsley looks like this at the moment. If you don't have whitefly this year then I will be very surprised, it has been epidemic in the western suburbs. Cheers, Gabby..2602 days 9hrs
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - Been following this with interest, would love to hear your thoughts on the fruit. I am putting in the footings for my pergola on Saturday and want to decide what kiwis I plant. How big are your plants, need to get an idea of how many I can fit 😁 ..2643 days 9hrs
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - Hi Linton, wonder if sulphate of potash will promote flowing, worth a try before next spring/summer. Was just looking to find info on what time of year they flowered and found this which is very informative, it mentions the pruning regime for fruit produc..2915 days 6hrs
Kiwiberry hardy kiwifruit - Thanks Linton, isn't it a cute little guy. I will contact you in late November then, see if I can't get you to give me a birthday present :) Then I can share cuttings the year after if all goes well. Cheers Gabby..3245 days 8hrs

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