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Grafted mango
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Lang's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Perth


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Lang Forum Contributions
Jaboticaba4 - Hi Raz Picked up Jaboticaba from Joe at Tass1 about 4 years ago together with a Grumichama. Hi Gus They taste somewhat like a aromatic grape, a little of white necterine and hints of mangosteen. One or 2 small seeds in each, none in the smaller fruits...4714 days 13hrs
Jaboticaba4 - Hi Gus, mine has a few fruit on it at the moment, first time fruiting. It has been growing in a pot for about 3 or maybe 4 years now...4754 days 11hrs
Fruit fly control - Same here Bucko, this is my second year using organza bags(off ebay) of various sizes on my figs, feijoa, cherry rio grande(for birds really) and pepino(limited success)...4936 days 23hrs
Identify this pepino chilli pest - Is this a potato moth? Checked on the net but they seemed different to this. The larvae bores into the pepino and chilli and emerges eventually to weave a coccoon. The wingspan is about 1.5cm. Can anyone help? Thanks lang..5329 days 10hrs
Can anyone help identify this pest - It has damaged my pepinos and now my chillies. The larvae bores into the fruit and later emerges to weave a coccoon. Its wingspan is about 1.5 cm. Is this a potato moth? Any help would be appreciated. Many thanks lang..5329 days 10hrs

Carambola Starfruit- Kary Seedling

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Carambola Starfruit - Kembangan

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Wampee - Yeem Pay

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Black Sapote

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Feijoa - Duffy

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Lychee - No Mai Chi

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Jakfruit - Rajhan

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Dwarf Mulberry - Red Shahtoot

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Pomegranate - Rosavaya

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Black Sapote - Bernicker

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Feijoa - Apollo

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Cherry of Rio Grande

Lang's Edible Fruits

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Dragon Fruit - Yellow

Lang's Edible Fruits

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