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Ringelstrumpf1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Blue Mountains

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Ringelstrumpf1 Forum Contributions
Feijoa7 - Julie that's the advantage in a cool climate!!..4979 days 10hrs
Some suggestions - I have to admit that now I'm even more confused. OK the Americans have strange measurements but calling subtropical climate Mediterranean?? I think the Upper Mountains are cool temperate. And you cannot compare this to England because we have so much m..4980 days 7hrs
Feijoa7 - Maybe I'll put some very cheap acacias in and small feijoas. And something else, mabe bamboo. I prefer to mix things. Are the cultivators of feijoas as sturdy as the others? I yet have planted three of the very usual ones bought at out local nursery on..4980 days 7hrs
Paw paw tree - Phil, what did you do to germinate them? Heat? We're in the mountains maybe it was too cold. How long do they take to germinate? We cannot grow the papaya-pawpaw here it is too cold. So I might try to start seedling a second time...4980 days 7hrs
Newly planted orchard1 - Wayne, never heard of rose jam or flowers in the salad? That does not mean that we do eat all our flowers, but a garden without flowers can't be! BTW, roses are the preferred food of our sheep...4981 days 5hrs

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