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Oleh's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: South Australia

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Oleh Forum Contributions
Veggie garden - I have just built 6 veggie plots made out of treated pine. While the new treated pine allegedly does not have arsenic in it, I am reliably informed that it does. My plots are 1.2m wide (optimum width so you can reach the centre from each side) 800 high ..5425 days 6hrs
Stella cherry - I have a 2 stella cherry trees. One is about 6 years old. In the 3rd year we had about 30 cherry's then it doubled for the next two years however we started to get a lot of small sour cherries on one side. Does anyone know how to correct this. Also t..5425 days 6hrs

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