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Blah's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Villawood


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Blah Forum Contributions
Jackfruit grafting cherimoya - I have grown 2 jackfruit tree, one is 3 and half years old, which is now bearing 8 jackfruit the tree is about 2 and half meters tall, the other is 1 and half years old which is bearing 1 jackfruit, which is only 1 meters tall. in the early stages, its ve..4796 days 19hrs
Coconut palms in nsw - Where can i buy dwarf coconut palm tree, that will fruit?..5076 days 1hrs


Blah's Edible Fruits

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Star Apple

Blah's Edible Fruits

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Wax Jambu - Red

Blah's Edible Fruits

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Carambola Starfruit- Kary Seedling

Blah's Edible Fruits

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Jakfruit - Seedling

Blah's Edible Fruits

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Lychee - No Mai Chi

Blah's Edible Fruits

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