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Hayden1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Central coast nsw

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Hayden1 Forum Contributions
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in melbourne - Bunnings have the trees. Is that what you are after or are you looking for fruit..5197 days 4hrs
Fruit fly control - Ah ok. Should I be getting rid of them or are they ok to have around...5197 days 5hrs
Fruit fly control - I thought fruit fly as they are the same as the ones that foy around my fruit bowl. My compost is layered fruit soil news paper and grass clippings. Are there any natural ways to get rid of them with out harming any good bugs I'n the conpost...5197 days 6hrs
Fruit fly control - How can I get rid of the fruit fly I'n my compost bin? I went out today to put some fruit scraps I'n and it was filled with them. I add scaps and then cover with news paper dirt and grass clippings. If anyone could help it would be appreciated...5197 days 7hrs
Black sapote1 - Hi, does this tree need full sun or part shade. Will it grow I'n a large pot? I know you can get them from whey nursery for $30 but they are seedlings. Does anyone know how long they will take to fruit?? Thanks...5200 days 3hrs

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