Emily1's Edible FruitsUpdate: 5284 days 5hrsComments: - great little tree as centrepiece in mandala garden, sweet sweet skin with sour flesh, kids love helping make jam plus eating them off the bush - one likes the skin and one likes the flesh - handy.
Fruiting Months July, August, September
Height 1 metres
Growing: In the Ground
Qty: 1
Fruit Harvest: 6 kilograms per Year
First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot
Sun/Shade: Full Sun
Water Given in: Spring
Pruned By: 30% in Spring
Pollination: Self Pollination
When I Fertilise: When Fruiting
Pest Control: clip off leaves going bad and destroy. spray with eco oil weekly if see white tracks on leaves.
Organic Status:Organic
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