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Olga's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Brisbane

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Olga Forum Contributions
Blood orange identification - Thank you. It looks like Arnold for me. I asked the Bunnings staff and they didn't know and it was labelled as Blood Orange. ..4721 days 10hrs
Blood orange identification - Hello everybody. Does somebody knows what variety Bunnings sells as Blood Orange in Brisbane? ..4727 days 17hrs
Phoenix mandarin - I had been told that Phoenix is a new variety from 2PH Farms. ..4937 days 5hrs
Phoenix mandarin - Hello. Could somebody please tell me what is Phoenix mandarin? I'd bought some fruits at Woolworth a month ago, fruits are medium with thick glossy peel, seedless, flesh has an orange-like consistency but tastes as real mandarins. I didn't find any ..4948 days 11hrs
Lemonade fruit - Mike, as far as I am concerned Lemonades aren't Meyer lemons, they are different. I've got a lemonade tree and a Lots a lemons and fruits are looks different and tastes different. It seems to me that Lots a Lemons was propagated by cutting. ..4949 days 19hrs

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