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Umbgumb's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: Brisbane


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Umbgumb Forum Contributions
Fruit trees41 - Hi Mary T and thankyou so much for your information. I'll have a read of the link now and I agree with you that it must be something to do with the soil. Appreciate your help and have a great day, Best regards Vicki...4712 days 16hrs
Fruit trees41 - Hi, Hope someone can help with my fruit trees. I have limes, lemons, oranges, mandarines all growing...but even with all the rain we've had in the past 6 months...I've got no fuit to speak of from any of them. 4 years ago, the trees all produced ..4713 days 22hrs

Miracle Fruit

Umbgumb's Edible Fruits

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Lemon - Fino

Umbgumb's Edible Fruits

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Lemon - Meyer

Umbgumb's Edible Fruits

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Lime - Tahitian

Umbgumb's Edible Fruits

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Passionfruit - Panama Red

Umbgumb's Edible Fruits

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