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Chillilover's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Sydney

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Chillilover Forum Contributions
Bael seed - I sent you an email yesterday. Did you receive it? ..3264 days 7hrs
Bael seed - Hi Kishy, also still interested. You have some to offer. ..3268 days 11hrs
Rose apples - I am after Rose apple plants if anyone has any. Thanks. ..3368 days 10hrs
Red and yellow cherry guava question - I think you are being too nice to the plant. Ignore, stop feeding and stop watering. Plants fruit to survive. If your plant is too loved it doesn't have the need to fruit. ..3971 days 6hrs
Abelmoschus manihot linn - Have a look at these pics. I have never seen one flower. That's maybe because we cut the leaves off regularly and the plant isn't allowed to flower. http://www.fijitimes.com/images/artpics/218548.jpg http://www.worldisround.com/articles/303916/ph..3972 days 13hrs

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