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Grafted mango
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Benno's Edible Backyard

Joined: 26/11/08 Updated: 27/11/08 Frost:
Location: West Melbourne


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Benno Forum Contributions
Black sapote not growing - hey guys, i have a black sapote I ordered from daleys a couple months back. i'm located in west melbourne. i'm curious as to what soil mix you would suggest i use for transplant into a large pot? my sapote is doing well so far, the warmer weather seem..6084 days 6hrs
Coffee - Sandy, where did you get your coffee tree from? I'm in Melbourne and have been looking for one for ages!..6126 days 23hrs
Summer fruiting raspberry - I've just recently bought a Summer fruiting raspberry too, I'm curious about what soil mix would be best for encouraging healthy growth and fruiting in the Melbourne climate. some of the leaves on my plant are starting to curl and turn yellow, yet i..6126 days 23hrs
I have a cherry tree - I saw the same thing on a friends cherry tree in Tasmania, it was literally covered with small leech-like creatures, and the tree was planted in a field next to a house, with apple trees and some grape vines.. The tree was producing thousands of cherri..6126 days 23hrs

Maple - Box Elder

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Maple - Japanese

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Japanese Raisin

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Lychee - Wai Chee

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Cherry - Pretty Gully

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Dwarf Peach

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Peachcot Ora A

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Pomegranate - Wonderful

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Black Sapote - Bernicker

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Guava - Strawberry

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Guava Yellow Cherry

Benno's Edible Fruits

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White Sapote - Hawaiian Supreme

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Dwarf Coffee - Catuai

Benno's Edible Fruits

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Coffee arabica

Benno's Edible Fruits

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