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Tom15's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Tom15 Forum Contributions
Panache fig tree - Hi Peter do you have cuttings as well Interested in panache ..2308 days 12hrs
Vanilla orchid cuttings - Love some cuttings if still available ..2364 days 19hrs
Blue java banana - Thank everyone will leave bunch on till more rounded...3597 days 11hrs
Blue java banana - Just wondering if any one knows if this bunch is ready to harvest? It is my first bunch and want to get it right Cheers Tom..3597 days 20hrs
Panache fig tree - Hi was wondering if anyone has experience with a zida fig, have a few cuttings. Was hoping people may have knowledge of what it is like...3788 days 21hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Tom15 has LIKED the following:
Honey gold mango - Honey Gold is Poly & you can plant it for private use only.......Liked Question 1844 days 18hrs
Which fig variety is best in these - Thanks John and Dave for the reply.. I'm really upset with this Bunnings purchase as mine is not White Adriatic as per the label, When I purchased it, that time that Bunnings store had Black Genoa and Brown Turkey plants as well which were all at least 3..Liked Answer 3686 days 23hrs
Vanilla orchid cuttings - Theres some good patches here in townsville it grows well here It likes frangipanis trees as a host though i guess commercially you might choose a trimmable legume like erythrina, gliricidia, etc i sell lengths more happy to trade brendan if y..Liked Question 3865 days 11hrs

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