Ugg Forum Contributions
Pouteria lucuma - Good link . The prose is kinda quirky, though. Checked the Pitanga (Fruitus horribilis) and he fails to mention that most would find starvation a better option than eating Pitanga...
4622 days 1hrs
We are worldwide - No, stable government is what they have viz Gaddaffi in Libya was in power for 32 years; Mubarak of Egypt was there for some 30 years . Isn't that stable?. What they need is what Norway has .-a different culture, different religion , different everything..
4622 days 20hrs
We are worldwide - Feed them contraceptives.right?..
4622 days 23hrs
Moringa - I think Moringa is distributed by Al Queda . Much Love Much Peace...
4629 days 23hrs
Blueberry leaves are dropping affected by disease - Rabbiteyeb Blueberries are part deciduous...
4635 days 21hrs