Itdepends's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: Location: * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Itdepends Forum Contributions
Pinkabelle apple tree1 - Asder you should be aware that there are numerous sprays for dealing with powdery mildew which primarily affects leaves- not stems.
.. 4520 days 22hrs
Grafting plum - Personally I'd go with Mariposa or Satsuma as they are blood plums and taste better (to me) than Santa Rosa. If you can get cuttings- graft both varieties... 4522 days 22hrs
Dwarf black mulberry2 - If the mulberry was planted from a pot (likely if bought in March) then planting at that time of year is fine if you keep the water up to it. But as per above- don't worry about the leaves- it's going dormant for the winter... 4522 days 22hrs
Dwarf mulberry3 - It's not going to get any colder- good time now for Mulberries- but you could have (and should have) pruned in Autumn for most stone fruit to reduce the risk of bacterial canker infection... 4529 days 22hrs
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