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Gardenut's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Waroona WA

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Gardenut Forum Contributions
Banana varieties were missing out - Need seeds of Abyssinian Banana s ..4332 days 13hrs
Banana varieties were missing out - I have grown Abissinian Banana tress (palms) for 40 years in WA which is ornamental and 3 species of fruiting Bananas .I have 3 Abissinians left waiting for them to flower and seed past 7 years.Has anyone got any seeds of any species I can buy? I ordere..4396 days 11hrs
Lots of growth no nectarines - I lose my peaches ,and nectarines every year to fruit fly just read on a blog that Apple Cider Vinegar and soap can kill them off in a jar with holes in the lid. Heard of that anyone ..4396 days 15hrs
Native raspberries in perth - I have grown Raspberries but never heard of native ones .Where do you get them? Brian Waroona..4396 days 16hrs
Abyssinian banana - I want to grom Abassynian bananas from seeds I can't get them from USA anymore.Brian Sutton Waroona West Australia PS or maybe plants if they allow us to get them from Darwin..4396 days 16hrs

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