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Maqui Mami's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Maqui Mami Forum Contributions
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in melbourne - Does anyone have Panama berries growing in the open in Melbourne? I'm thinking about getting a tree but saw on the Daley's page that Panama berries look sick in Sydney winter, just wondering if they die is Melbourne and colder?..2074 days 12hrs
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in melbourne - has anyone had successful fruits with longan and lychee here? I saw some older posts with people growing it, but did they ever set fruit? Also, if anyone has spare bolvian fuscia seeds or plants, I would be happy to purchase some :) ..2157 days 20hrs
Maqui berry - hi! Does anyone have male tree cuttings please? I have 2 female trees, 5 years old and they fruit but the fruits always wither as they do not get pollinated. If anyone has any available or know of who or where I could obtain some, I'd very much appre..2362 days 24hrs
Maqui berry - thanks for the info Rob! I have a lot of shoots right now and am waiting for the first buds to come around so I can see if I have a male or a female! :) Are you in QLD or a hotter part of the country? I'm wondering why it is that your plants are floweri..4163 days 23hrs
Maqui berry - I'm new to gardening and bought a maqui berry in feb 13. However, upon reading this forum, I am not sure if I need another plant? I only have one maqui berry plant, will this produce berries for me? and if not, how would i select a male/female plant ..4220 days 15hrs

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