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Plants that we have too many of and that will soon outgrow their pot size so need to be sold fast
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Cas1's Edible Backyard

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Cas1 Forum Contributions
Where to buy plantains - Hi BeachBabe Would you still have some pacific plantain suckers?..2596 days 8hrs
Angel peach tree heavenly sweet - Hi everyone I've had my low chill peach tree for several years now. I noticed last year and this years crop yield looks like these pictures. Can someone tell me what this is, what causes it and how to fix it?? Please?? 1/2 my peaches are covered like ..3380 days 4hrs
Banana varieties were missing out - Hi trikuslaptop1 Was that backyardbananas or the email to Jo at palmaculture?..3874 days 22hrs
Banana varieties were missing out - Hi Everyone I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm looking for the Musa ..3880 days 7hrs
Prune angel peach - Hello My angel peach has just shed its leaves for winter (almost all) and I wanted to know 1. Is this the time to prune? 2. How should I do it? Size, limbs, cut? Can someone help please? thanks..3880 days 7hrs

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