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Pink Everything's Edible Backyard

Joined: 10/09/14 Updated: 10/09/14 Frost:
Location: Dianella

About My Edible Backyard

Why Pink Everything Love's Edible Plants

I am endeavouring to grow a potted orchard on my front verandah in the city


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Pink Everything's WISH LIST

Peach - Dwarf Standard 3/10

Why Pink Everything wants it: -

I want to grow a potted orchard on my front verandah

Guava Hawaiian - Pink Supreme 1/10

Why Pink Everything wants it: -

I want to grow in a pot on my verandah

Dwarf Fig - Brown 3/10

Why Pink Everything wants it: -

I want to grow a potted orchard on my front verandah

Grapefruit - Star Ruby 3/10

Why Pink Everything wants it: -

I want to grow a potted orchard on my front verandah

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