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GoneTroppo1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 15/02/15 Frost:
Location: Berowra

About My Edible Backyard

Why GoneTroppo1 Love's Edible Plants

 I love the challenge of growing tropical fruit in Sydney and have created the correct mix of fertiliser that they all seem to love!


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Mamoncillo (Seedling) 10/10

GoneTroppo1's Edible Fruits
Update: 3645 days 15hrs

Comments: - Not only were the seeds as rare as hens teeth to find in Sydney, but once found they have really easy to sprout even in this cool weather we're having. Can't wait to get the rest of the seeds in. They absolutely love my custom made mix of 10:10:10 NPK formula as have all the tropicals I'm growing now.

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Dragon Fruit - Red (Cutting) 10/10

GoneTroppo1's Edible Fruits
Update: 3645 days 15hrs

Comments: - I've found making cuttings that sprout new shoots so easy here in this temperature in northern sydney. 

Planted: 2015

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