26/11/08 Updated:
02/09/09 Frost:
Location: DOONAN
About My Edible Backyard
Why Diane1 Love's Edible PlantsWe are aiming for a semi open permaculture food forest, but the growing conditions here have other plans. Volcanic red soil and lots of water mean that plants can grow 2 x the average size.
Sounds good, but nature is also in abundance with insects, wildlife and birds and a large dam in the little valley. Learning as we go, our S/W facing 1.5 acres is a great supply of food for all, but needs lots of maintenance.
Our best growing plants are citrus and avocado, though we're trying for subtropical stone fruit and lots of native plants too.
My favorite plant is the grumichama whose cherries rival the sweetest traditional fruits and is loved by the Satin Bower bird. He loved it so much, that he made a bower not far away in our grevillia garden just outside our bedroom window. His soft chirrupy song has been a delight to listen to in the morning hours.
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