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Sales12.sgn's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 13/07/15 Frost:

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GAC FRESH FRUIT (Seedling) 10/10

Sales12.sgn's Edible Fruits
Update: 3498 days 2hrs

Comments: -

Gac is an exceptional source of lycopene and beta-carotene. It has up to 70 times more lycopene than tomatoes, 10 times more beta-carotene than carrots, 60 times more vitamin C than oranges and 40 times more zeaxanthin than yellow corn. It also contains alpha-tocopherol, vitamin F, and minerals including iron and zinc.

Aril, the red, oily pulp surrounding the seeds, is an exceptional source of long-chain fatty acids, which make the nutrients in Gac readily bioavailable. The seeds are used in Chinese traditional medicine.

The nutrients in Gac help support the immune system and maintaining a prostrate health. The fruit has long been prized in the region for helping with vitality and longevity.

A research study in rural Vietnam focused on Gac%u2019s ability to alleviate the problems caused by widespread vitamin A deficiency. The study%u2019s conclusion was that beta-carotene from Gac is a good source of provitamin A carotenoids.

Additionally, Gac may help improve skin health and maintain energy, stamina, and eyesight.*

Gac is a gourd shaped fruit about the size of a cantaloupe that grows on a perennial vine and is often referred to as the "fruit from heaven". It is frequently cultivated in home gardens and is found on lattices and among the branches of trees. Gac is usually picked at maturity, when it is bright red and the seeds are hardened. Although easy to grow, Gac is a seasonal fruit that is only available during a few months each year. In northern Vietnam, Gac fruits are mainly used in making a rice dish called xoi gac.

Fruiting Months February and August

Planted: 2014

Fruit Harvest: 500 kilograms per Year

Water Given in: Spring

After Fruiting

When I Fertilise: When Fruiting

Pest Control: n/a

Organic Status:Certified


We provide Gac fresh fruit. If you have inquiry pls contacts with us:

E: sales12.sgn@pata-logistics.com

Hi Farm _ Good health for you

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