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Linda's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 28/07/24 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Linda Forum Contributions
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in sydneywollongongnewcastle3 - HI, I realise this is an ancient thread but How did you go with your Jakfruit in Wollongong? I have paw paw in Sydney but right close to the north of the house - not a suitable place for a huge Jakfruit :)..361 days 5hrs
Fig leaf beetle issue2 - As they are caterpillars and chewing the leaves you could use Dipel or similar - Bacillus - it's a bacterium so one of the 'original' biological comtrol..361 days 5hrs
Paw paw disease - Rather late :( but perhaps this will help someone else.... You have pawpaw black spot - it's a fungus. https://www.abc.net.au/gardening/how-to/pawpaw-protection/10397432 ..498 days 7hrs
Best coastal grape - Try Chambourcin grapes as well. They are a black seeded WINE grape but if you leave them long enough on the vine they become beautifully sweet. I successfully grow them in Sydney with no fungal sprays as they are resistant...825 days 5hrs
Ob blueberry sydnsw - Hi, Did you find a source of OB1 Blueberries in Sydney? Thanks Linda ..839 days 18hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Linda has LIKED the following:
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in sydneywollongongnewcastle3 - Just an update - right now there are more than 10 jackfruits on the tree. We will probably lose some over winter, but some will survive. Here is a photo of one taken last year which ripened OK...Liked Answer 264 days 3hrs
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in sydneywollongongnewcastle3 - We have a jakfruit tree growing in Carlingford in Sydney. It is about 15 years old and has given us some fruit already, and good tasting too. It is partly screened from the South by a bush reserve but it gets plenty of sun. The important thing is to give ..Liked Answer 264 days 3hrs
Queen garnet plum - Heres an update on the Queen Garnet Seedling project - First flowers opening today and lots more on branch as you can see - same time as Mariposa too so should get some fruit come February???? Still have another seedling for scion wood to graft next year..Liked Answer 338 days 5hrs
Garden with used kitty litter - I am interested to know if anyone incorporates used kittylitter ( bentonite variety) into their soil or use it as a mulch? I have placed it around a cape gooseberry with good results,but wonder about its effects on citrus, vegies etc?..Liked Question 369 days 16hrs
Garden with used kitty litter - We use it the paper? based pellet stuff around the garden, it goes good. But for us it's loaded full of rabbit pee, not sure on the nitrogen content of rabbit pee but by the smell of it, it's loaded. It's certainly got tons of calcium in it, so much th..Liked Answer 369 days 16hrs

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