Paulagofish's Edible Backyard
00/00/00 Updated:
14/03/23 Frost: Location: OCEAN SHORES
About My Edible Backyard Why Paulagofish Love's Edible Plants
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Davidson plum has brown tinged leaves - hi there does anyone know what it means when a davidsons plum has brown tinged leaves, i gave one to friends so its currently in a pot, it could be getting too much light, too little light or have wet feet? Any ideas? I havent seen it for myself, they hav..
3292 days 13hrs
Paulagofish's Edible Fruits Update: 3292 days 12hrs Planted: 2014
Growing: In a Pot
Water Given in: Spring
Pollination: Self Pollination
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Paulagofish's Edible Fruits Update: 3292 days 12hrs Fruiting Months January, February, December
Growing: In a Pot
Qty: 1
Fruit Harvest: 1 kilograms per Year
Water Given in: Spring
Pollination: Self Pollination
Fertiliser or Organics Used: worm wee, compost
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Paulagofish's Edible Fruits Update: 3292 days 12hrs Fruiting Months February and March
Growing: In a Pot
Qty: 1
First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot
Water Given in: Spring
Pollination: Self Pollination
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