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Donald1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 03/05/21 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why Donald1 Love's Edible Plants


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Abiu (Seedling) 4/10

Donald1's Edible Fruits
Update: 2459 days 14hrs

Planted: 2018

Height 1 metres

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

When I Fertilise: Never


strange insect on the plant . Please give some advice how to cure them . The plant look healthy about 1 meter tall.

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Edward3 says... [2116 days 17hrs ago]
This looks like "e;scale"e; and can be treated with oil spray.
Edward3 says... [2116 days 17hrs ago]
The bugs are scale. (the quote marks didn't come out properly)

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