Oceanearth's Edible Backyard
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26/04/18 Frost: About My Edible BackyardWhy Oceanearth Love's Edible Plants I love food. And with all the space, resources and energy I provide my plants... they owe me :) Comments* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
Fruit Tree Forum ContributionsOceanearth Forum ContributionsPruning olive tree - My olive tree, planted in the ground has reached a height of around 1.5m. I've never pruned it and it has grown three main trunks that all begin around 2-3cm from the soil level, a left, centre and right one. I want to slowly prune back two of them to end..2598 days 20hrs Relocating davidsons plum1 - @chichichook how did you go with the DP? I have one that is about 2M tall and 5yrs old. I stupidly planted it out about 1.5M away from the edge of my pool, not thinking about the impact of the poolwater. It's growing well, though has never fruited. I'd be..2636 days 22hrs Build planter box around palm stump then - It's an edible fig. I've been conversing on a few other forums and the general concensus is to cut it as low as possible, damage the roots to kill it, drill holes to aid decomposition. Then build the box around it, cover with several layers of cardboard, ..2735 days 1hrs Build planter box around palm stump then - I had an out of control palm (I hate palms) that I've cut back to the stumps. It's now about 75cmL x 75W x 35 high. I also have a small potted fig. Rather than get someone in to grind the stump down, I'm toying with the idea of building a planter box ..2738 days 2hrs Fuerte graft - I nearly killed my grafted fuerte when I moved it from a pot to the ground. It looked a gonner, I left it in the soil for some reason and now a new shoot has grown from the base. Before I realised it was a graft I lopped the dead part of the tree off. Now..2987 days 1hrs |
Fruit Tree Forum LikesOceanearth has LIKED the following:Pruning olive tree - Hi Ocean Professional growers almost always prune any side branches growing 1ft below the main trunk to remove any competition from the central leader and produce a smooth clean trunk 1ft downwards. If the central or main leader is damaged or slow grow..Liked Answer 2586 days 17hrs |
Davidson Plum NSW (Seedling) 7/10![]() Update: 2479 days 19hrs Comments: - Looks beautiful, it's a native. Planted: 2012 Height 1.5 metres Growing: In the Ground Sun/Shade: Medium Sun Water Given in: Spring SpringPollination: No Organic Status:Organic Was this review helpful? Yes | No | Report 1 of 3 people found this review useful CommentsMungoMango1 says... [2979 days 19hrs ago]My four Davidson Plums were amongst a host of other fruiting trees received from Daleys, when all except for the Davidsons Plums survived, where all the rest are doing really good.. Planted out the DPlums on the full moon, in a deep hole(even though the DPlums were only 150mm high) prepared the soil with light dressing of dynamic lifter mixed in with auger, then mulched with dry grass/hay.. Maybe the DPlums don't like the treated water of our town, or the amount of water we gave them, every other tree planted on the same day is doing really well, the minature Yellow Guava already has fruit of 10 - 15 mm, the New Guinea Custard Apple has grown about 300mm. Any advice on the Davidson Plum problem would be good to receive.. They are planted in a sloping area with full sun from 10Am thru 2-3Pm, soil is rocky, with friable soil to 400mm, then clay for approx 600mm..* You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy |
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