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Anni8's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 09/02/25 Frost:
Location: BEECROFT

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Pomegranate - Azerbaijani 5/10

Anni8's Edible Fruits
Update: 756 days 10hrs

Comments: - Very healthy, very tall about 7 feet and overall very happy with the tree but ......

Planted: 2018

Growing: In the Ground

Sun/Shade: Full Sun

Water Given in: Winter

Autumn and Winter

Pest Control: Nothing as doesn't appear to have any diseases.  

Question: The first flower of the year in Spring is always a female flower but no male flowers to pollinate it.  All the other flowers that come a few days later are male flowers so I never get any fruit as by that stage my one female flower has died.   Is there anything I can do to increase the female to male flower ratio come next Spring? 

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