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Bare root fruit trees last chance for 2022
Bare root fruit trees last chance for 2022Gardening AustraliaJuicy MangoAstringent and non-astringent varieties

Silent Bob 's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 14/12/17 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Silent Bob Forum Contributions
Avocado disease identification - Hi , for some reason this pictures didn't upload with my post. I'm worried about my only tree. I've only had it for 5 months and it doesn't look too healthy. My local nursery suggest I treat it with Searles Root Rot. Any advice would be great. Thanks ..2417 days 3hrs
Avocado disease identification - HI, Does anyone know what is happening to my avocado tree and how should I treat it ..2418 days 15hrs

Dwarf Avocado - Lamb Hass (A) (Cutting) 8/10

Silent Bob 's Edible Fruits
Update: 2417 days 3hrs

Comments: -

I love avocados and always wanted a tree 

Planted: 2017

Height 1 metres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

Water Given in: Spring

Pollination: Self Pollination

When I Fertilise: Never

Organic Status:Organic

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