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George's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 18/01/22 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

George Forum Contributions
Prunus mume - Darren I bought my Prunus 15 years ago from eBay with the intention of making Umeshu and umeboshi but living in Sydney it rarely got cold enough to drop its leaves in winter . To this date I still don’t know if he colour of blooms. Perhaps you would..1209 days 6hrs
Seville orange from seed how long before - Would appreciate if someone post pictures of Julie's Seville Orange grown from seed? My plant is only 1 foot tall, would love to see what I have to look forward to...2543 days 20hrs
Pistachio1 - thanks for the info will definately buy some in March if no luck with seedlings before then.. just would be nice to know if I have a male or female without waiting years!..3381 days 23hrs
Pistachio1 - I am after pistachio seeds to sprout or seedlings that can come through the post. Am in Syd bluemtns. please email coffeexxxAThotmail.com..3383 days 20hrs
Bergamont seed - Does anyone have Bergamont or chinnotto or rangpur lime seed/cuttings? Am in Sydney bluemountains.. thanks..3442 days 11hrs

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